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Resource center

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Marketplace Materials

All FPL charts are dual sided with English on one side and another language on the other. Other language options are listed below.

All rack card language variations are dual-sided: English on one side and the other language on the reverse. 

Other languages coming soon!

Resources for partners

​Agent-Broker Consent Form (NEW for PY 2024!)

Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP)

The Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) allows small businesses to offer qualified health plans (QHPs) to their employees and potentially claim tax credits. As Oregon currently does not have an automated SHOP, small employers may purchase certified SHOP qualified health plans directly from the carrier. Upon request, the Marketplace will determine whether the small employer meets the requirements to participate in the program and potentially be eligible for the IRS small business health coverage tax credit. For information, see the documents below.

Medicare trainings

The Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) program has volunteer trainings that may benefit agents. Go to the volunteer training page​ for information.

2​026-2027 Carrier Request For Applications closed Feb. 28, 2025
​The Marketplace Carrier RFA for the 2026 and 2027 plan years is open. The RFA and accompanying application materials are below. Any questions about the RFA should be directed to Katie Button at  



  • SHOP Participation Req​​uest Form


Issuers must verify that agents/brokers complete the registration process

Issuers must verify that any affiliated agents/brokers complete the registration process before helping consumers with enrollment in the issuer's plans. Issuers should review the agent/broker registration completion list to ensure that affiliated agents/brokers have completed all requirements. This list includes all NPNs associated with individuals and entities that have successfully completed all requirements, as well as the date those requirements were met.

Email or​ with questions or to request more materials or resources. Be aware that the email,, is no longer functional.​​

If you have questions, please contact the Marketplace at 855-268-3767 (toll-free) or​​.

​MAGI Under the ACA: English | Spanish

Immigration Statuses and Documentation: English | Spanish

Enrollment Records Form: English | Spanish

Eligibility Map: English | Spanish

Marketplace Household Flow Chart: English | Spanish

Marketplace Application Checklist: English | Spanish

Health Plans and Provider Networks: English | Spanish

Referral Form: English/Spanish (dual-sided) 

Special Enrollment Periods Cheat Sheet: EnglishSpanish

Glossary: English | Spanish

Request printed materials

You can submit a request using the form below or by contacting your Marketplace regional outreach team member.