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State-Based Marketplace Transition Project


Senate Bill 972 (2023) requires the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to transition the Marketplace from a state-based marketplace using the federal platform (SBM-FP) to a state-based marketplace (SBM) using its own technology in time for open enrollment for plan year 2027. Specifically, OHA is required to procure and administer both an information technology platform and call center, to replace the federal platform and call center, and provide electronic access to the health insurance exchange in this state by November 1, 2026.

How this change will better serve communities harmed by inequities

  • Access to data and evidence to tailor outreach and be more intentional about efforts to enroll disproportionately uninsured people, including people of color and rural residents.
  • Collection of data, particularly on race and ethnicity, is widely recognized as fundamental to understanding enrollment disparities.
  • Additional and more reliable data will allow Oregon to refine its outreach and communication strategies, both overall and in real time to reach targeted communities.
  • Immigrants and non-native English speakers may be more likely to enroll if additional translation and interpretation services are available to help them complete the application or to communicate effectively with navigators, agents and brokers, or the call center

High-level timeline

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Quarterly Partner Listening Sessions

  • For assisters at community partner organizations: 
  • Last Weds. of Jan., April, July, and Oct. through Jan. 2027
    2-3:30 p.m.
    Register at
  • For insurance agents/brokers:
  • Last Thurs. of Jan., April, July, and Oct. through Jan. 2027
    2-3:30 p.m.
    Register at
  • For insurance carriers:
  • Last Thursday of Jan., April, July, and Oct. through Jan. 2027
    3:30-4:30 p.m.
    Register at

Frequently Asked Questions

To further Oregon Health Authority’s (OHA) mission to improve access to quality, affordable health coverage for Oregonians and its goal to eliminate health inequities by 2030. To create new opportunities for Oregon to pursue state priorities to advance health equity, enroll more people in affordable, high-quality health coverage, and improve the experience of current enrollees.​ is a one-size-fits-all solution, designed for use by many states and cannot be customized according to Oregon's needs, preferences, or requirements. As an SBM, the Marketplace will:

  • Be more nimble and able to drive state innovation.
  • Have access to real-time data.
  • Offer a more agile platform for supporting Oregon's already robust consumer outreach efforts.
  • Own and have free access to enrollment or demographic data for Oregonians who participate through the Marketplace.

​Access to data and evidence will help the Marketplace tailor outreach and be more intentional about efforts to enroll disproportionately uninsured people, including people of color and rural residents. Collection of data, particularly on race and ethnicity, is widely recognized as fundamental to understanding enrollment disparities. Additional and more reliable data will allow Oregon to refine its outreach and communication strategies, both overall and in real time to reach targeted communities. Immigrants and non-native English speakers may be more likely to enroll if additional translation and interpretation services are available to help them complete the application or to communicate effectively with navigators, agents and brokers, or the call center.​

The Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace is dedicated to integrating partner feedback into the procurement and implementation process. Opportunities for feedback will exist to help the state determine what priorities exist for the new system, branding, and communications strategies. Feedback opportunities will be shared to the project website ( as they are available.​

​We anticipate the RFP to be released via OregonBuys ( during the Spring or Summer of 2024.​

Updates will be shared regularly via newsletter, which you can sign up for at Updates will also be shared on the project website ( and social media, as appropriate.​

Please email with any suggestions, needs, or feedback. Needs and suggestions will be reviewed, prioritized, and added to the SBM technology roadmap.​

Click here to submit a question to the project team.


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